Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Today Jamie and I got an email from one of our supporters.

One of YOU.

I was moved to tears and humbled as I read of this family's sacrifice to give their money back to God even though finances were tight and they were facing many hardships themselves.

We are all living a life of faith. We are all called to trust God to provide for our finances.

Just a few weeks ago I found myself thinking about how we would most likely be living a life of financial dependence on God for the rest of our lives because of our calling to full-time ministry {and feeling somewhat despairing about it, wishing we weren't coming up short each month of our goal, and wishing for a job with a dependable income and a Christmas bonus at the end of the year}.

What a sinful mindset! We are all called to live a life of financial dependence on God! For us in full-time ministry, relying on others to partner along side us with finances it's more tangible and "out there" but really, no matter how we get paid each month, we can still choose to trust God with our finances and depend on HIM to provide for us.
Are we praying and talking to God about our finances? That heater that needs to be repaired? The car that just broke down? The kids need new winter boots? How often do we take these requests before the Lord and ask HIM to provide? He is just waiting to blow our minds with his provision.

So thank you, dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Thank you for committing your finances to the Lord and I pray we all learn to trust in HIM, the giver of all good and perfect things to provide for all our needs.
Thank you for bearing our burden with us, for lifting us up as a family to the Lord.
Thank you for praying for the students we love and minister to and thank you for praying for our upcoming move to Uganda.

I am humbled. And thankful. And so amazed that God would choose us to live this life and serve in this way.
Thank you for joining us in our call to help reach the world through university students.